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Common LISP

The implementation of CL that I am using is called ABCL which stands for Armed Bear Common LISP. Some good introductions to Common LISP are the classic by Guy Steele and another by Peter Seibel. This is plenty to get started and perhaps
2 books are just a little better than one. LISP is my favorite language and Common LISP is the most stable implementation. Go online to connect with the CL community.
Portacle stands for Portable Common LISP Environment. I think it is better than ABCL.
I can learn about emacs at its Wiki. Portacle is installed on my E:\ drive and is not only ready to go, but I can run it on any computer with a USB port.
Make sure Java is installed by double clicking on JavaSetup8u151 in Downloads
To write programs on my computer: go to the c:\JEditor folder and double click on j
To evaluate the buffer type CTRL-a and then select Eval Region in the Mode menu.
I am going to solve Bill's sudoku in LISP.
I would be wise to devote hours on and off to writing LISP programs and learning more about the Common LISP environments and existing CL packages. I want to be a part of the CL community since I know it so well and it is such a unique and great language.
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